MetaVRse for Education

Unlock a new level of understanding with interactive 3D & XR demos for learners of all ages and skillsets, from grade school to post-secondary education.

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Why XR for education?

We live in a 3D world – it’s time for our learning tools to catch up. Our mission is to democratize education by 2040, leveraging the most advanced technologies and tools in the world.

The MetaVRse Engine can run on almost any computer or mobile device, with augmented reality on Android and iPhone for a more immersive experience. Show students how the solar system works, how an engine fits together, or how to work with advanced equipment.

  • 70% increase in retention rates
  • 1.9X increase in visual attention
  • Up to 90% reduction in training related costs
  • 90+% reduction in training time

The Big Picture

The AI revolution and increased automation is shifting the global job market like never before. Tens of millions of people need better tools to catch up, or they will be left behind.

The next decade will see an additional 350 million post-secondary graduates, and nearly 800 million more K-12 graduates than today.

The world needs to add 1.5 million teachers per year on average, approaching 100 million in total, in order to keep pace with the unprecedented changes ahead.

Immersive Technologies

Immersive learning using XR technologies (VR, AR, and MR with AI software) allows students to be present in an interactive 3D learning environment, exposed to possible scenarios or learning new skills.

For students:

  • Access to real-world exploration
  • Experience beyond the classroom

  • Learning at your own pace

  • Access to academic records

  • Collaboration and communication

  • Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

For professionals:

  • Divergent thinking (creative generation of multiple responses with multiple ideas, something machines are unable to do)
  • Spatial understanding

  • Systems thinking

  • Critical thinking

  • Empathy

Ideally suited for:

  • Dangerous scenarios like pilots and firefighter training

  • Impossible scenarios like body swapping and time travel

  • Counterproductive scenarios like distracted driving and customer service training

  • Expensive/rare scenarios like field trips and access to expensive labs and technologies

MetaVRse is already transforming your industry. Ready to get on board?

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